Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Grinning Beggar’s Paddy Rock: Season 20, Episode 6 – Toe to Toe
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Season 20, Episode #6 is here for your listening pleasure. With doing these shows live I thought they would be posted more frequently as I record every line episode. I suppose that is just me though, if I am going Continue reading Grinning Beggar’s Paddy Rock: Season 20, Episode 6 – Toe to Toe→
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Grinning Beggar’s Paddy Rock: Season 20, Episode 5 – Supercharger!
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Season 20, Episode #5 is live! Today is another buzz saw of a show. I rehash some classic Celtic Punk tunes, unpack a couple new ones and revisit a shit ton of classic punk rock! And of course there is Continue reading Grinning Beggar’s Paddy Rock: Season 20, Episode 5 – Supercharger!→
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
This year was my first ever St. Patrick’s Day Live show and it was a good one. This years shows was built entirely off requests by the Paddy Rock faithful, along with a few of my favorites. I missed doing Continue reading Grinning Beggar’s Paddy Rock Podcast: Season 20, Episode #4 – St. Patrick’s Day LIVE→
Friday Feb 19, 2021
The Zombiecast – High Velocity Splatter
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Friday Feb 19, 2021
If you have not noticed yet, I am a person with very eclectic tastes in music. On any given day you can you can find me listening to anything from Mayhem to Jon Denver. Apart from Celtic music, I have Continue reading The Zombiecast – High Velocity Splatter→
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Episode #3 of Season 20 is live! This is another barn burner shot full of Celtic Punk, Punk Rock and Street Punk. We will call it the new and improved Paddy Rock Podcast, catering to more people around the world Continue reading Grinning Beggar’s Paddy Rock Podcast: Season 20, Episode #3 – Punk Rock for your Ear Holes→

About Paddy Rock
Paddy Rock was founded in March 2000. The surrogate child of cheap beer and great music, John Bowles should be recognized as the founder what may arguably the longest-running Celtic/Punk podcasts still in existence, and perhaps one of the longest-running podcasts in general still going strong!
About 2012, I came into the picture. Having been running my own show for a handful of years, I was offered an invitation to come into the fold of Paddy Rock. While Paddy Rock had previously been my "competition," it was also one of the main reasons I started my own podcast, and the gold standard I held myself to. It was an opportunity I could not pass up.
Shortly after I joined, John decided to step away from Paddy Rock to follow other passions in the form of One Kind Radio. This left me as the man behind the brand, and for a long while we prospered. I tried to diversify the brand, adding additional shows -- most notably Corey DesRoches, formerly of PE Irish Radio and Donny Zuzula of The Tosspints.
Unfortunately, over time, as all things do, this lost it's shine. Almost indicative of things to come. About 2019, our booming little niche of Celtic Punk & Rock was drying up. Fewer releases were coming my way, fewer shows were being done and interest was dropping quickly. Some stalwarts remained, such as Shite n Onions, and London Celtic Punks to promote, along with notable bands such as The Tossers, Mr. Irish Bastard, The Kilmaine Saints and The Go Set to name a few.
In late 2019, the decision was made. Paddy Rock had to change, or be lost... It was at this point I decided to adopt more Punk Rock and Oi music for the show. All these genres embrace the blue collar, working-class spirit, so it felt natural, worked well and made for really great programming. It was shortly after this decision was made I was offered the opportunity to bring Paddy Rock to Boot Boy Radio as a weekly show on their internet radio station, you can catch it live Thursdays 7-9 pm EST. Some but not all shows are what you will find here.
Paddy Rock was always about sharing really great music from bands that maybe did not have the reach. And it still is, and always will be. While we may not spin as much Celtic Punk and Rock as we once did, the spirit and heart of the music is still alive and always will be. Thank you for reading, thank you for listening and thank you for your years of support.
Slainte ~ Phil aka The Grinning Beggar