Monday Jan 29, 2024
Paddy Rock Podcast: Season 23, Ep. 01 - 23 Years & Counting
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Here we are on the precipice of 2024, after the past year could things get worse? Maybe, but will they... doubtful. I have withstood the storm of life and remained steadfast. The focus has shifted a bit but the core has remained solid, which is great music for great people. When I took this show over it was to continue bringing music to the masses. At that time it was entirely Celtic Rock and Punk, but over the years it dwindled, though last year there were a significant amount of really good new releases. Thanks to the folks at LCP for their dedication and love of the scene, it helps fuel me at times as well. Anyway, this episode features quite a bit of Celtic music and a ton of Punk and Oi! This episode is certain to get you up and moving. Enjoy it and hang tight for the next episode, maybe later this week.
Don't forget to listen to Paddy Rock live Wednesdays from 7 - 9 om EST and Rocksteady Tonight Sundays from 6-8 pm on www.BootBoyRadio.net. Turn it loud and thanks for listening !~ Phil (aka The Grinning Beggar).
The Playlist:
The Rattling Kind
The Biblecode Sundays
Baba O'riley
Sloppy But Lucky
Too Drunk For Too Long
The Manky Melters
Shanghai Treason
Drowning Heart
The Killigans
The Rowdy Ones
The Gobshites w/ Jonee Earthquake Band
I Useta Lover
The Mistakes
Runnin' out of riot
The Offenders
Tales From My Neighborhood
Back from the Dead
Side by Side
Shut Up! Twist Again!
Prison Notebook
Rude Pride
Take It as It Comes
The Rumperts
Growin' Old
Lion's Law
The Reaper
Skinhead 82
The Reds Are Marching
40 Hour Check
The Pist
The Ladder
Conservative Military Image
Tragedy of the Commons
The Chisel
Cry Your Eyes Out
Sharks Come Cruisin'
Ten Thousand Miles Away
Rackhouse Pilfer
Don't Cry in the Dark
The Roughneck Riot
The Mahones
Shakespeare Road
All Things That Matter to You
Riot City Radio
Reap what you sow
Talk About Me
2nd Shot
Wisdom In Chains
Fighting In The Street
Secret Army
Where We Come From
Working Class
The Rattling Kind
The Mero
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
What you have here is the same as me saving Christmas. Like I said before, I didn't realize I had become a tradition for so many listeners. So at the 11th Hour I pulled another one and broke off what I think is a pretty fucking awesome Christmas show. Not going to make any bones about it 2023 sucked, the WORST year of my life. I lost my mom, my wife and my pop is in the hospital trying to keep both his legs. To say it's not been easy is an understatement, but somehow I made it out and I will be better for it in the end (I think). If I care share one thing with anyone who reads this, no matter how crap fucking shit things seem, just DO NOT quit on yourself. Things will get better! For the rest of you respect that Christmas can be tough for a lot of us, call of those close to you and make sure they are ok. Sometimes just one person caring makes all the difference. Enjoy the show and spread the love have a Merry Christmas and I will see you in 2024 for one spectacular fucking year, and hopefully more Celtic Punk !
Don't forget to listen to Paddy Rock live Wednesdays from 7 - 9 om EST and Rocksteady Tonight Sundays from 6-8 pm on www.BootBoyRadio.net. Turn it loud and and thanks for listening !~ Phil (aka The Grinning Beggar).
The Playlist:
Audio Martyr
Mr. Claus is a Communist
Shandy w/ Don Powell from SLADE
The Pogues feat Kirsty MacColl
Fairytale of New York
Hard Skin
Ding Dong Merrily Oi! Oi!
All Hail Santa
The Yobs
Another Christmas
The Gobshites
Christmas Eve in the Boozer
Peter and the Test Tube Babies
I'm Getting Pissed for Christmas
4 Skins
Merry Christmas Everybody
Judge Dread
Christmas in Dreadland
The Business
Step Into Christmas
White Christmas
Murphy's Law
Santa's Got a Brand New Bag
The Pork Dukes
My Mother Gave Me A Gun For Xmas
Black Christmas
Vice Squad
When Santa Got Stuck up the Chimney
The Snivelling Shits & The Damned
There 'Aint No Sanity Claus
The Business
Drinking And Driving
Merry Christmas (I Don't Want to Fight Tonight)
Mad Pints
A Merry Jingle
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Shitmas
Christmas Day
The Down-Fi
Santa's Pissed Off
Touch My Rash
I Hate Christmas Songs and I Hate Everyone
Hail Santa
12 Days Of Christmas
The Vandals
Christmas Time For My Penis
Little Drummer Boy
Hoist the Colors
O Holy Night
Last Seen Laughing
The Great Christmas Plot
Slaughter & The Dogs
Run Rudolph Run
45 Adapters
This Xmas
Nothing But Enemies/SCFF
Foul Mouthed Elf
Holidays With You
Pressure 28
Santa That's My Wife
Secret Army
Fired In Christmas
Worthington's Law
I Don't Wanna Be Santa
Direct Hit!
I Ain't Dreaming of a White Christmas
Cobra Skulls
Cobra Christmas
Violent Society
Merry Christmas, I Fucked Your Snowman
Alice Bag
No Gifts For Nazis
Hola Ghost
Santa Muerte
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Season 22, Episode #15
Last week was Australian Band T-Shirt week and as such I celebrated it! There is little in terms of music that I enjoy more that Aussie jams! So after spinning some new tunes I opted to reach down under and cram your earholes full of Australian Audible Heaven. To say this show is a banger really doesn't do it justice so just enjoy the show and spread the love.
Don't forget to listen to Paddy Rock live Wednesdays from 7 - 9 om EST and Rocksteady Tonight Sundays from 6-8 pm on www.BootBoyRadio.net. Turn it loud and and thanks for listening !~ Phil (aka The Grinning Beggar).
The Playlist:
Fatal Blow
The Drowns
1979 Trans Am
Kill Or Cure
Dune Rats
Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again
Mr. Irish Bastard
All My Friends Are Idiots
Black Water County
The Feelgood McLouds
Sharks Come Cruisin'
Ten Thousand Miles Away
The Town Pants
The Unlikely Redemption Of Oliver Reed
Sir Reg
Stereotypical Drunken Feckin' Irish Song
Shanghai Treason
Hammer Meets The Nail
Ferocious Dog
Billy Herring
The Times In Life
Billy Herring
Take Me Away
The Rumpled
The Gipsy Dancer
The Gallowgate Murders
Only the Bastards
The Rumjacks
Goodnight & Make Mends
Suicide Sunday
Square Tugs
Lost In Translation
Convict Class
Wank Sock
The Knock Backs
Price U Pay
Marching Orders
Years Pass Me By
Beards and Banjos - live
Handsome Young Strangers
The Black Dog Kicker
Handsome Young Strangers
The Go Set
Sunnyside of the Street
The Ramshackle Army
One More Drink
Kombi Killers
Don't Start
Fun With Explosives
Soul Sucker
Those Rat Bastards
Tommy Blitz
Plan Of Attack
Stick to Your Guns
Westall 66
Xmas by the Phone
Sydney City Trash
Trash from S.C.
C U Next Tuesday
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Paddy Rock Podcast: Season 20, Ep. 10 – Blue Collar Bangers
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Season 20, Episode #10 And you didn't have to wait months and months! I actually got a late start on today's show and was not even close to prepared, in fact I made this playlist while I was doing the show. Though within the first 7 minutes I had it done and we were kicking ass. Kicked in off with some Cock Sparrer, which set the tone for the rest of the show. Figured with Labour Day just passing, why not bust out a set on some Blue Collar Bangers and do an all Oi! Show.. So I did. Was a busy and evening, but the tunes are solid and are plentiful. Just remember because someone is a Skinhead doesn't automatically make them racist. Don't forget to drop by and visit our friends at Covert Vinyl Fire it up and as always thanks for listening ~ Phil (aka The Grinning Beggar).
The Playlist:
Cock Sparrer
Nothing Like You
Booze & Glory
Come On You Irons - Acoustic
The Business
Guinness Boys
Grade 2
Broken Youth
The Agitators
Lion's Law
Vanilla Muffins
Youth Bomb(1993)
Laced Up
Cock Sparrer
Why Can't You See?
On The Job
The Crack
Don't Just Sit There
Lion's Law
Open Your Eyes
The Clockwork Crew
Oi! That's the Sound
Cock Sparrer
Don't Blame Us
Hard Skin
Copper Cunt
The Cliches
That's More Like It
Bishops Green
The Strike
Evil Conduct
Skinhead Till I Die
Booze & Glory
Only Fools Get Caught
Are You Lionhearted?
Gimp Fist
Marching on and on
Seaside Rebels
Abandon Ship
Cock Sparrer
Don't Tell Anyone Anything
The Oppressed
Do Anything You Wanna Do
Harrington Saints
Riot City Dublin
Boots n All
Oi! Oi! (What Ya Gonna Do?)
Argy Bargy
This Is Me
My Way
Days of Glory
The Prowlers
Smash Them Up
Evil Conduct
The Best Years of Life
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Paddy Rock Podcast: Season 22, Ep. 14 - Homebody
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thought easing back into the saddle would be easy, but getting back into anything after a lay off is difficult. Driving, Relationships, The Gym and even Podcasting / Radio - You just forget how somethings work...! So, this episode was not without its struggles, now you have a shortened one. I recently became acquainted with Chad and Thora some local peeps busting their asses to make the local punk scene great again. Chad plays in a few bands (Blanks 77 and The Mesos) and they also host the Pretty Vacant Podcast. So in recognition of the great music they play and promote I have included some of the awesome local / regional tunes that have been and are coming to the area, in addition to a whole host of other great punk and Oi! Enjoy the show and spread the love.
Don't forget to listen to Paddy Rock live Wednesdays from 7 - 9 om EST and Rocksteady Tonight Sundays from 6-8 pm on www.BootBoyRadio.net. Turn it loud and and thanks for listening !~ Phil (aka The Grinning Beggar).
The Playlist:
Rough Cuts
Knockout Saturday
Red Alert
Too Many Goodbyes
Ultra Sect
Modern Nights
Convict Class
One True God
Suburban Downgrade
The Parasitix
Do You Trust Them?
Broken Cuffs
These Boots
Sin Bin
My Fist Your Face
Old Daggers
Wishing Well
No Comply
Board Meeting
No Comply
The Mesos
Duffy's Cut
Strawberry Mansion Nights
Hub City Stompers
Hub City Stomp
Broken Bones
Stand Up
Ultra Sect
Bread and Roses
The Young Ones
The Cost Of Life
Dropkick Murphys
Who Is Who
The Mistakes
Special Duties
Top 40
Doug & the Slugz
American Skins
Liberty And Justice
You're Dumb
Gimp Fist
Can't Win em All
Lager Lads
Even the Score
Reckless Upstarts
SHARP As A Knife
Arch Rivals
Hooligans United
Cock Sparrer
Too Late
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Paddy Rock Podcast: Season 22, Ep. 13 - Moose Knuckles & Camel Toes
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
It's Friday and time for another Paddy Rock Podcast courtesy of Boot Boy Radio. This week I ask you all to exercise a bit of compassion when dealing with other people, you never know what is going on underneath their facade, and September is Suicide Prevention Month. This week sees a massive undertaking and change in my life, more of that to come later down the road, but it has been a challenge. So please friends, just always be kind. This episode is a really great show of bangers lined up to keep you moving until the next one! And remember there are only 2 things in life that never change - Moose Knuckles and Camel Toes ! Slainte
Don't forget to listen to Paddy Rock live Thursdays from 7 - 9 om EST and check out my other show, Rocksteady Tonight Sundays from 6-8 pm on www.BootBoyRadio.net. Turn it loud and and thanks for listening !~ Phil (aka The Grinning Beggar).
The Playlist:
Meanest Drunken Bastard
The Drowns
Wolves on the Throne
Empire Down
No Rest - No Pity
The Stress
Better World
Fighting for Scraps
Stand with Me
Brigata Vendetta
When the World's on Fire
The Skinflicks
Wet Whistles' Boozing Crew
The Bruisers
These 2 Boots Of Mine
The Rabble w/ Mark Unseen
This World Is Dead
Moose Knuckle
Body Bags
The Restarts
The One Percent
Niblick Henbane
Go Away
King Size Braces
These Same Streets
Captain Bootbois
A Way Of Life
Shaved For Battle
Where You Came From
Yellow Stitches
Our City
Empire Down w/ Matt Henson
Bastards for the Butcher
Brassknuckle Boys
Day After Day
Doug & the Slugz
American Skins
Criminal Outfit
Up Yours
The Divided
In My Eyes
Antagonizers Atl
Hold On Hold Strong
Offensive Threat
Saturdays are for the Oi!s
Ultra Sect
Class Hate
Laced Up
Comply or Die
The Complicators
Big Problems
East End Badoes
I Wanna Be Me
Harrington Saints
45 Adapters
Overtime II
Fighting Spirit
Thunder and Glory
Deny Them Victory
The Divided
Hit Man Blues
The Corps
Draw the Line
Hostile Minds
Same Old Shit
Arch Rivals
The Crowd
Marching Orders
Place Called Home
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Paddy Rock Podcast: Season 22, Ep. 12 - The Old Dirt Road
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Welcome back everyone - I am still catching up on back episodes. This show I have entitled That Old Dirt Road sees me spinning a lot of newer Street Punk and Oi! At the end though I take a walk down that old dirt road and revisit some of my favorite Celtic Punk tunes for what ends up being a really marvelous show. And of course with it being May I had to open it up with Darth Vader's theme song, has there ever been a villain so menacing? Anyway enjoy the show and we wil lcatch you again soon!
Don't forget to listen to Paddy Rock live Thursdays from 7 - 9 om EST and check out my other show, Rocksteady Tonight Sundays from 6-8 pm on www.BootBoyRadio.net. Turn it loud and and thanks for listening !~ Phil (aka The Grinning Beggar).
The Playlist:
John Williams & The London Symphony Orchestra
The Imperial March / Darth Vader's Theme
Slugger CA
Rabid Dogs
The Beltones
Fuck You Anyway
The Demencials
You Wondering Now
The Press
It's Not What I Want
Infa Riot
Friday Oh Friday
In This Life
The Last Resort
The Hard Way
Booze & Glory
The Streets I Call My Own
Hard Wax
Out of Our Way
Suede Razors
Anchors Aweigh
Kick Your Boots Off
Violent Way
It Ain't Right
Conservative Military Image
For Club and Country
Pride and Fury
The Chisel
Sit And Say Nothing
The Bois
Show Them the Boots
Gimp Fist
A Country Divided
Oldfashioned Ideas w/ Sean Chadwick
Young & Proud
Out with the Boys
The Cliches
No Justice Just Us
Marching Orders
Something More Than This
Ultra Sect
Stolen Lands
Glass Half Empty
Cock Sparrer
Droogs Don't Run
The Lagan
Work Away
Black Water County
Rise and Fall
Hoist the Colors
When Daylight Breaks
Mr. Irish Bastard
Galway Bay
Lexington Field
Old Dirt Road
The Narrowbacks
Lost Generation
The Go Set
West Into The Sun
The Go Set
Sing Me a Song
The Lucky Ones w/ Mike McNeil
Old School Punk Rockers
Lion's Law
The Baboon Show
God Bless You All
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Paddy Rock Podcast: Season 22, Ep. 11 - A Fistfull of Nuthin’
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Many of you know me personally, many do not... With that being said I tend to be a private person regardless. Well without being too specific I have been a little spotty lately due to life taking a left turn. My live shows have become hit or miss and my postings have become even more missed. I promise this is about to change. And for those of you who liked and love the Paddy Rock Roots show, that may be resurrected soon too. But for the meantime I do have a handful of older shows from this year I have yet to post up so I am about to. So as always turn it up loud and let the sweet sweet sounds of punk rock save your soul
Don't forget to listen to Paddy Rock live Thursdays from 7 - 9 om EST and check out my other show, Rocksteady Tonight Sundays from 6-8 pm on www.BootBoyRadio.net. Turn it loud and and thanks for listening !~ Phil (aka The Grinning Beggar).
The Playlist:
The Bar Stool Preachers
Call Me on the Way Home
The Drowns
Wolves on the Throne
The Drowns
The Lost Boys Of Suburbia
Watch Your Back
Get Dead
Safe Places
The Sewer Rats
Total Creep
Fake Names
Can't Take It
Tomorrow Never Comes
Teenage Bottlerocket
I Wanna Die
I Can't Make It In The Bedroom
The Point Of Being Here
I Hate The Beach Boys
The Havoc
We Want the Truth
The Ruffianz
Pissed and Proud
Time for Change
The Nightmare Continues
Monster Squad
Death and Destruction
Violent Affair
Recreational Outrage
Oi Polloi
Blame It on the System
The Exploited
Law for the Rich
The Virus
My Life - My World
The Oi! Scouts
Another Battle
Give Me Fire
Bad Religion
We're Only Gonna Die
Escape from Planet Fuck
Agnostic Front
My Life My Way
Chaos UK
Bone Idol
Stiff Little Fingers
Barbed Wire Love
The Partisans
I Never Needed You
Slaughter & The Dogs
Someone's Gonna Die
U.K. Subs
The Lurkers
Self Destruct
The Virus
What Do You Want?
The Elected Officials
Something to Prove
Richard Hell
Love Comes in Spurts - 2013 Remaster
Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've?)
Suburban Home
Kill From The Heart

About Paddy Rock
Paddy Rock was founded in March 2000. The surrogate child of cheap beer and great music, John Bowles should be recognized as the founder what may arguably the longest-running Celtic/Punk podcasts still in existence, and perhaps one of the longest-running podcasts in general still going strong!
About 2012, I came into the picture. Having been running my own show for a handful of years, I was offered an invitation to come into the fold of Paddy Rock. While Paddy Rock had previously been my "competition," it was also one of the main reasons I started my own podcast, and the gold standard I held myself to. It was an opportunity I could not pass up.
Shortly after I joined, John decided to step away from Paddy Rock to follow other passions in the form of One Kind Radio. This left me as the man behind the brand, and for a long while we prospered. I tried to diversify the brand, adding additional shows -- most notably Corey DesRoches, formerly of PE Irish Radio and Donny Zuzula of The Tosspints.
Unfortunately, over time, as all things do, this lost it's shine. Almost indicative of things to come. About 2019, our booming little niche of Celtic Punk & Rock was drying up. Fewer releases were coming my way, fewer shows were being done and interest was dropping quickly. Some stalwarts remained, such as Shite n Onions, and London Celtic Punks to promote, along with notable bands such as The Tossers, Mr. Irish Bastard, The Kilmaine Saints and The Go Set to name a few.
In late 2019, the decision was made. Paddy Rock had to change, or be lost... It was at this point I decided to adopt more Punk Rock and Oi music for the show. All these genres embrace the blue collar, working-class spirit, so it felt natural, worked well and made for really great programming. It was shortly after this decision was made I was offered the opportunity to bring Paddy Rock to Boot Boy Radio as a weekly show on their internet radio station, you can catch it live Thursdays 7-9 pm EST. Some but not all shows are what you will find here.
Paddy Rock was always about sharing really great music from bands that maybe did not have the reach. And it still is, and always will be. While we may not spin as much Celtic Punk and Rock as we once did, the spirit and heart of the music is still alive and always will be. Thank you for reading, thank you for listening and thank you for your years of support.
Slainte ~ Phil aka The Grinning Beggar